can temperature change cause a brain stroke read full article

Brain Stroke: It is extremely hot and in such a situation the risk of brain stroke is increasing significantly. According to a study published in ‘Neurology Journal’, whenever there are fluctuations in temperature, the risk of brain stroke increases. This study has revealed that whenever there have been fluctuations in temperature since 1990, cases of brain stroke have increased rapidly due to this. The reason behind this is being said to be climate change.

If you want to avoid brain stroke then take special care of these things

Why does the risk of stroke increase in summer?

According to health experts, due to increase in heat the body is not able to cool itself properly. Due to this the blood starts thickening. This condition is called hypercoagulable state. Due to increased heat, the risk of blood clot increases. Due to which the risk of stroke increases. Therefore, it is important to keep yourself hydrated in summer.

How to avoid brain stroke in summer

Take special care of food

To reduce the risk of stroke, it is very important to keep yourself hydrated in rising temperatures. In such a situation, drink plenty of coconut water, include juice, coconut water, cucumber, watermelon in your diet. These foods contain plenty of water. Works to balance the electrolytes of the body.

Include as much fiber as possible in your diet. Also, do not include fried food in your diet. Because eating processed and junk food increases cholesterol rapidly. Due to which there may be problems related to digestion. Include fiber, seasonal, vegetables, fruits and curd in the diet.

If you want to control body temperature then protect yourself from sunlight. Wear light and loose cotton clothes. Light colored clothes do not absorb much sunlight. Make sure to use a hat or scarf whenever you go out.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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